Monday, 10 February 2025
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"Hellscape" is the name for the U.S. Navy's strategic response should China invade Taiwan, writes Joseph E Fallon.

Naval News, reported June 16, 2024, "'Hellscape' envisions a battlefield filled with tens of thousands of unmanned ships, aircraft, and submarines all working in tandem to engage thousands of targets across the vast span of the West impede any attempted invasion force while causing the highest level of damage possible, allowing U.S. and allied forces adequate time to set up necessary logistics and forward-based forces in the West Pacific."

In a Washington Post interview, June 10, 2024, Admiral Samuel Paparo, commander of the Indo-Pacific Command said of "Hellscape": "I can't tell you what's in it," he replied when pressed about details. "But it's real and it's deliverable."

But can "Hellscape" prevent a Chinese invasion and occupation of Taiwan? Can it buy Admiral Paparo "the time [he needs] for the rest of everything?"
And what is "the rest of everything?"


Ongoing political and economic instability in South Asia is a cause of concern for New Delhi. The repercussions from such turbulence may adversely affect India's economic growth as well as its geostrategic position in South Asia as China seeks to exploit these volatilities to its advantage, writes Joseph E Fallon.


joseph.fallonThe history of Russia's Pacific Fleet is the history of the trials and tribulations of Russia. So is its current status that of a Phoenix rising from the ashes or just a Potemkin village, all show but no substance, writes Joseph E Fallon?

The answer is



Rose 10382129 10152575359311122 29431050027067224 oWe mark the passing of those who have served this country. Contributions from comrades and relatves are welcome. Email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Indian war memorialThe Indian Army before independence in 1947 was drawn from many of the nations that comprise South Asia – particularly modern Pakistan and India. During the Great War 1914-18 800,000 South Asians volunteered to join the army and 400,000 volunteered for non-combatant roles. 74,187 were killed. They fought on many fronts.



joseph.fallonOn September 19, 2023, the Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, the self-declared Republic of Artsakh, fell to Azerbaijan's Turkey-supported military forces. It was the "end" of a thirty-year war; little noticed by a world preoccupied with the wars between Russia and Ukraine and Israel and Hamas, writes Joseph E Fallon.

With the fall of Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan and Turkey established their geoeconomic, geopolitical, and geostrategic dominance over the South Caucasus.


By Joseph E. Fallon and Robin Ashby

Baltic Fleet 42 bigIs Russia a threat in the Baltic area? S.B. Ivanov, former Russian Federation Defence Minister, and Deputy Prime Minister, discussing the meaning of "threat" a decade ago, said that its content had drastically changed from the purely standard military threats to the so-called uncertainty factors, which are understood by the Russian Federation Defence Ministry to mean the situation, conflict or process, "which can bring about a significant change of geopolitical environment in the regions of Russia's vital interests, or can directly endanger its security."

The Baltic Sea is a major theatre in what's being described as the new Cold War between NATO and Russia. It is a relatively small body of water on the northeastern edge of the Atlantic Ocean surrounded by landmasses in nearly all directions. Its surface area is slightly larger than Finland's and its mean depth is only 54 metres. The Baltic Sea is connected to the world oceans only by the narrow Danish straits, which connect it to the North Sea. The Danish straits are formed by two straits immediately next to each other: The Öresund strait on the coast of Sweden and the Belt Sea on the coast of Denmark, which is comprised of the Skagerrak and Kattegat


The name HMS Pickle, a schooner with only five cannon, may not call forth patriots today, but it was a stirring sight on the night of 5-6 June 1829 when, after a deadly exchange of cannon fire at close range, she captured the slaver Voladora off Cuba, with slaves bound for American plantations.

The Voladora was larger and had a crew twice the size, but the Pickle under J.B.B. MacHardy closed, and after an action of 80 minutes the Voladora, the mainmast shot away, the sails repeatedly holed, and rigging trailing over the stern, surrendered. The British had lost four men, their opponents at least fourteen. 223 African men and 97 African women who had been bought in Africa were freed. 32 slaves had already died on the voyage. The British crew imprisoned the slavers in their own chains. The victory was celebrated in Britain, with memorable paintings depicting the plucky triumph of the smaller crew.


UKR gunThe outbreak of a major war in Europe has been a shock to many. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in February 2022 has shaken the west out of its post Cold War torpor. The increasing belligerence of Putin's Russia led NATO members to increase their readiness, including the deployment of forces close to the eastern borders of the Alliance. It has also meant a recapitalisation of equipment in many NATO members including the UK. In July 2023 Nick Watts was able to visit an AS 90 self-propelled gun that the UK has gifted to the Ukrainian armed forces. They were in a location somewhere in southern Ukraine.


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