Saturday, 15 February 2025
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We mark the passing of those who have served this country. Contributions from comrades and families welcome. Write to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

ANDERSON Col Dr Robet Moir Lechmore Anderson died 1 September 2021 aged 80
ARMSTRONG Brig Robin Armstrong PhD died 20 October 2021 Royal Highland Fusiliers
ARGLES Captain (Christopher) Simon Argles RN 31 January 1934 – 31 August 2021 Gunnery Officer HMS Chichester, HMS Eagle CO HMS Dido NATO HMS Sheffield Naval Attache Paris during Falklands liaison French Intelligence and military
BANBURY Capt Michale Charles Banbury RD, RNR die 11 Nov 2021 aged 86
BARCLAY Col Neil Barclay died 4 DEc 2021 aged 83
BARFF Edward Barff AFM QCVSdied 2021 aged 97 141 Sqn Mosquitos Later BOAC
BARNES Major Jan Walter Barnes died 12 DEc 2021 Life Guards
BAXTER Brig Anthony Baxter died 24 December 2021 aged 91
BEAVEN Anthiy James Patrick Beaven RAF died 30 December 2021 aged 79 Vulcan pilot
BLACKNEY Gp Captain Bruce Blackney died 6 October 2021 aged 82?
BOSWELL Lt Gen Sir Alexander (Sandy) Boswell KCB, K StJ CBE 3 Augusr 1928 - 13 Nov 2021 Argyll & Surherlands Hong Kong, Korea, Suez, Borneo (MiD) Berlin, Belfast, CoS Ist Corps, CO 2nd Armoured Div, Director Territorials GOC Scotland
CHATER ROBINSON Geoffrey Chater Robinson died 16 October 2021 aged 100. Army, later actor
CLEMENTS Air Cdre JohnBaskett Clements 2 December 1921 - 23 October 2021 Radar researcher Wartime 300 test flights, 22 radars, 29 plane types Berlin southern Italy (Op Buckland  airlift Defence Communication Network Air Officer Signals Support Command
COLEMAN Bernard Coleman OBE 13 January 1924 - 13 Nov 2021 RN coder HMS Tay Atlantic convpys, Far East troop transport escort Later publican and cricket
COVILL Major Douglas Covill DCM, MBE, 14 November 1920 - 15 November 2021 10th Royal Hussars Dunkirk, El Alamein (7th Armoured Bgde) Southern Italy (Op Buckland) DCM MiD, Germany Occupation. Aden 
COWIN Cdr Anthony Cowin died 19 Nov 2021 aged 88
DAVIS Maj Gen Brian William David CB CBE OBE RA died 24 October 2021 aged 91
DAWNAY Iris Irene Adele Dawnay LVO (nee Peake ) wartime secretary MI6 23 Juky 1923 - 18 November 2021
DENHAM Lord Denham (Lt Sir Bertram 'Berte' Stanley Mitford Bowyer Bt KBE 3 October 1927 - 1 December 2021 Grenadiers, Ox and Bucks LI Later Sgt HAC, Cons Chief Whip in Lords
FARQUHARSON Captain Alwynne Arthur Compton Farquharson of Invercauld MC 1 May 1919 -6 October 2021 Royal Scots Greys light tanks Ruwiesat Ridge (Grants) Alamein (Shermans), Italy Normandy- 4th Armoured D+1 (Firefly) Op Jupiter – wounded MC
FORBES Vice Admiral Sir John Forbes died 24 October 2021 aged 96
FORSTER John Frederick (Jacky) Forster died Nov 2021 aged 101. last known survivor ( Bn DLI. France, Libya, Cyprus, Palestine
FRASER Air Cdre Anthony Fraser died 23 October 2021
FREEMAN-ATWOOD Marigold (nee Philips) WRNS Bletrchley Park - Colossus . Poet
GIBLETT WO1 (conductor) Frank (Francis) George Giblett GM 11 Jul 1928 – 12 September 2021 Nat Service then regular RAOC bomb disposal Germany ATO Cyprus (GM)
GOODACRE Lt Cdr Peter Elliott Goodacre RNR VRD died 7 Nov 2021 aged 76
GREGG Victor James Gregg 15 October 1919 – 12 October 2021 Rifle Brigade North Africa Long Range Desert Group 2nd Rifles Alamein 10 Para Op Mkt Garden Captured. PoW Dresden bombings. Escaped to Red Army
HAMES Captain Peter Hames RN died 5 Dec 2021 
HEWETSON Col Sir Christopher Hewetson TD died 12 Dec 2021 aged 91
HIGHAM Cdr Anthony Higham BEM 12 October 1948 - 24 November 2021 HMS Norfolk (with Prince Charles) NATO HMS Victory Yachtsman
HOGG (later Sir) Christopher Anthony Hogg 2 August 1936 - 7 December 2021  Parachute Regt Cyprus, Suez National Service
HOLMES Maj General Matthew 'Matt' John Holmes CBE, DSO 29 June 1967 - 2 October 2021 42 Cdo Afghanistan Commandant General Royal Marines

A comrade writes : I am saddened to my core at the news of the passing of my former chief of staff, Major General Matt Holmes CBE, DSO. As his legal adviser, I saw first hand how he went out of his way, not just to serve our nation but to serve every man and woman who he encountered. I was no exception. He was the first chief of staff of the UK Standing Joint Force Headquarters. The staff loved him, as did his commander. Sometimes the perfect teams forms in the Armed Forces. That was one of them. He was a leader, for he brought out the best in all those he met. He could find light in darkness and hope in despair. He hated injustice. He would have been the finest of lawyers. He used to share with me his pride in his wife's legal career. People genuinely liked him and few could match his intellect. None could match his work ethic. He could switch effortlessly from being the senior military leader to the cheeky schoolboy in the one sentence (often with just a glance). That was his personality; not some learned trick. Any 'cheek' was actually pure, unrefined charm and never, ever at anyone's expense. I was liaising with him, hoping that he would join me in a sleep out event to raise money for SSAFA in Glasgow. The pandemic delayed that, but it speaks volumes that a major general was willing to sleep out in a wood in Glasgow with me and other veterans to raise funds for the vulnerable. To him it would have been no hardship; just fun. He could make anything fun. Matt Holmes was a Christian and spoke to me about our shared faith; he lived it through every selfless act. God bless you, Sir, and your family who I know you love so dearly.

HOLMES Flt Lt Ernest 'Ernie' Holmes DFC 29 January 1921 - 14 October 2021 35 Sqn 22 Pathfinder missions inc. Battle of Berlin. Lancastersshot down over Hollnad, betrayed to Gestapo  Stalag Luft III Forced march liberated VE Day. Post war transports Far East, Berlin airlift. Flying instructor UAS in Scotland

HAYNES Col Douglas Sim Haynes died 26 December 2021 aged 100

HOLTOM Brig Christopher Gibbs Holtom CBE died 24 September 2021 aged 74 Intelligence Corps

HUTCHINGS Corporal Dennis Hutchings 8 May 1941 – 18 October 2021 Life Guards N Ireland
KENNARD Robert Kennard MC 1912 – 1979 TA Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders escaped from Singapore, Malaya, Burma, Imphal
LAMB (Later Sir) Sqn Ldr Archie (Albert) Lamb DFC 23 October 1921 – 19 October 2021 Pilot Training Southern Rhodesia (supported by editor's father?) Sunk on SS Oronsay 184 Sqn Hurricane ground attack Northern France, V1 sites, Arnhem later Ambassador to Kuwait and Norway

LEWENDON Gp Captain John Massey Lewendon died 5 November 2021 aged 91
LITTLEJOHNS Lt Col Bryan Littlejohns RA died 12 October 2021
LONGWILL Dr Col John Longwill died 16 September 2021
MAUNSELL Major Christopher Ernest (Kit) Maunsell MC 6 October 1939 - 6 October 2021 aged 82 10th Ghurkhas Borneo (battle of Serikin - MC)

MCLEAN Vice Adm Rory McLean CBE, OBE 4 April 1950 - 5 September 2021 CO HMS Lewiston, Upton, Jupiter, Charybdis, Fearles, Invincible) Sea King pilot and Helicopter instructor, Bosnia, Rwanda, (Op Barrass) Director, Navy Plands (19997 SDR) ACDS (resources and plans) RUSI trustee

MILBURN Brig Joseph Hubbard Milburn CBE died 17 October 2021 aged 88
MORROGH Major James McCarthy Morrogh 1947 – 2021 Royal Irish Rangers Bahrein, Oman , Gibralter, Cyprus, Berlin

NORRELL WO "Norrie" Norrell RVM RVO 7 December 1933 – 9 October 2021 HMS Vanguard HMS Lioness joined RY Britannia 1953 – 1987 then Windsor Castle
O'CONNELL Margaret (Betty) Elizabeth Oliver 25 July 1925 – 24 July 2021 WRNS Bletchley Park Newmanry section (Colossus C Watch – Lorenz code)

OLDHAM Sgt Wilfred Edward Oldham MBE 28 August 1920 - 26 November 2021 1st Border Regt/ 1st Airborne (air landing) Op Ladbroke , Sicily- ditched Op Market - escaped after 70% losses. Garden. Norway to disarm occupation troop 

PARKINSON Brigadier Charles David Parkinson died 7 September 2021 RADC

PARSONS Edmund (Eddie) Geoffrey Parsons died 13 December 2021 aged 92 RAOC

PASQUANI Flt Lt Joe Pasquani 30 January 1933 - 6 August 2021 Navigator, bombing instructor 76 Sqn Canberra sampling nuclear tests - campaigner for nuclear justice
POLAND Lt Cdr (Trevor) Peter Gordon Poland 24 July 1923 – 30 August 2021 HMS Nelson (chasing Scharnhorst and Gneisenau ) HMS King George V (Bismark engagement west of Brest) Arctic convoys CO landing craft N Africa (Bougie landings) HMS Matchless HMS Haydon post war Med, Palestine, E Indies

PRIESTLEY Cdr Michael Priestley died 2 December 2021 aged 74

QUILTER Harold Keith Quilter RN DSC 5 March 1922 - 23 Nov 2021 1842 NAS HMS Formidable 3 attacks Tirpitz Far East (Kamikaze attack) Ditched off Honshu, picked up by US submarine 1832 NAS RNVR 
RICHARDS Major Robert Alan Upton Richards died 9 October 2021 aged 90 Worcester Rifles, Intelligence Corps

ROBERTSON Rear Adm John Robertson died 23 December 2021
ROSE (Susan) Pamela Rose (Gibson) 29 November 1917 (during Zeppelin raid) – 17 October 2021 Bletchley Park Hut 4 head of index . Later helped found Runneymede Trust Vice chair NSPCC

SAMPSON Lt Col Reg Sampson die 30 December 2021 aged 86

SHIPTON Anthony Ashley Shipton MBE TD died 19 Dec 2021 aged 92

SHORT Captain Anthony Short RN died 11 October 2021 aged 92

SHORT Donald Hrry Short RNR died 28 December 2021 aged 91

SQUIRE Dr Clifford William (Bill) Squire CMG, LVO 7 October 1928 - 14 October 2021 Nat service jnr officer I Bn Suffolk Regt Palestine, Greece Later Ambassador to Israel

STOKES Keith Stokes RN died 16 October 2021 aged 91
STEVENSON Major Henry Stevenson MBE 14 July 1927 – 18 August 2021 Ulster Defence Regt Intelligence Officer

STRUDWICK Maj General Mark Jeremy Strudwick CBE MiD 19 April 1945 – 26 September 2021 Royal Scots Cyprus BAOR Exercise Lionheart N Ireland (I/c 3 Bde) GOC Scotland
SYRAD Major Stuart Syrad RM OBE MC 7 August 1933 – 23 August 2021 National Service then volunteered. SBS. Op Musketeer (Suez helicopter assault - MC) Malta, Singapore, North Borneo, Northern Ireland First qualified RM hovercraft pilot 3 Cdo
TAYLOR Col Charles Eyre Taylor MC died 4 October 2021 aged 92. 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards

THORPE Col Philip James Thorpe died 3 October 2021 aged 64
THRES Anthony Thres 1928 – 2021 1st Bn Sherwood Foresters 1Para Cyprus Suez amphibious landing (clasp to GSM) Malaya19th Infantry, 6 Armoured Bgde BAOR
ULOTH Col Anthony Conrad Uloth 30 May 1929 – 23 September 2021 Korean War (Royal Tank Regt MiD) Army Air Corps test pilot Defence Attache Khartoum Overseas Defence Relations

WALKER Patrick Jeremy Walter KGB 25 February 1932 – 13 October 2021 Colonial Service Uganda Later CT and CE then DG MI5 (the Security Service)
WALTERS (later Sir) Dennis Murray Walters 28 November 1928 – 1 October 2021 Interned in Italy 1940 1943-44 resistance courier in Italy Later MP

WEST Mayor Aidan Neil 'Danny' West BEM 1 December 1943 - 11 December 2021 10th Royal Hussars Aden SAS Buenes Aires, Oman, South Georgia, Falklands left the Army in 1995 

WICKES Lt Cl Donald James Charles Wickes LVO died 10 Nov 2021 aged 93 RASC, RAOC 

WOOD Captain Anthony Wood RN died 3 Nov 2021 aged 90

YOUNG David Stephen Young MC died 30 Nov 2021 aged 100

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British military casualties - Editorial policy

In the service of our country.

Eulogies for all personnel killed on UK operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere are posted as soon as they have been released by the UK Ministry of Defence. Each eulogy we publish for men down in operations brings a lump to the throat. We are losing the best of the best. Politicians must ensure that, when the newspaper cuttings have faded, their sacrifice has had some meaning, has helped bring about a good result. Anything else would be a waste for which they will be eternally condemned.

There is invariably at least a 24 hour gap between the official release of news of an event and the naming of the dead. This is to allow families to be informed and proper eulogoies to be produced. Occasionally families request no euologies or comment. We abide by guidance we receive on such sensitive matters. We regret that information on those who sacrifice almost as much through grave injury is seldom released by the MoD for operational reasons, and so we are unable to pay tribute.


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