Saturday, 15 February 2025
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issues from and for policy makers and opinion leaders.

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U.S. to withhold F-35 fighter software code

The United States will keep to itself sensitive software code that controls Lockheed Martin Corp's new radar-evading F-35 fighter jet despite requests from partner countries, a senior Pentagon program official said.


General Dynamics to Appeal A-12 Decision

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit today denied a request for a rehearing of the Federal Circuit's prior decision sustaining the government's default termination of the A-12 aircraft contract to which General Dynamics and The Boeing Company were parties with the Navy.

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Price rise may be only option to save Airbus A400M

A higher sticker price and fewer guaranteed deliveries may be the only way to rescue Europe's new military transport plane after years of costly delays.


Iran's ability to build own S-300 air-defense systems queried

A Russian military expert questioned on Wednesday Tehran's claims that it could build its own S-300 surface-to-air missile systems. With the delivery of Russian-made S-300 systems to Iran long overdue, Tehran has said it is capable of producing clones in the near future.

RIA Novosti

Defence Procurement tops the agenda at International Armoured Vehicles

Defence procurement policy in the UK which was designed to provide troops with improved armoured vehicle military capabilities is beginning to unravel according to recent reports, and this will top the agenda at International Armoured Vehicles 2010.

Your Defence News

India Bolsters Coastal Security After 2008 Attack

India has greatly strengthened its coastal security a year since the Nov. 26 Mumbai terror attacks, which came through a sea route.

Defense News

Sweden Offers Brazil Partnership Deal

Swedish Defense Minister Sten Tolgfors will lead a high-level delegation that will meet for two days of talks, beginning Nov. 25, with Brazilian defense and state officials in Rio.

Defense News


BAE job losses rise to 2,300 with new cuts

BAE Systems today announced further job cuts, detailing plans to shed 642 staff across eight of its 11 UK sites to take the job-cuts tally to nearly 2,300 this year.

The Times

Airbus A400M countries to meet in Berlin on Dec. 2

Officials from countries who have ordered the delayed A400M military transport plane from Airbus will meet again next week to discuss the way ahead, after a report of ballooning prices hit the newsstands.


Indian Defence Minister Calls Pakistan-China Military Nexus an Area of Serious Concern

The Defence Minister AK Antony has said the nexus between China and Pakistan in the military sphere is of serious concern.


Russia's naval infantry to be totally re-armed by 2015

All units of Russia's naval infantry will be fully equipped with advanced weaponry by 2015, the Russian Navy said in a statement on Friday.

RIA Novosti

Armed forces manning at 98 per cent

The Ministry of Defence is hailing the 'continued upward trend' in recruitment and retention in Britain's armed forces after figures showed forces are currently operating at just under 98 per cent of their full-time trained strength requirement.

Defence Management


New Statesman

Obama is wrong: this is his Vietnam

"Vietnam is getting worse every day," President Lyndon B Johnson once confessed to his wife. "I have the choice to go in with great casualty lists or to get out with disgrace. It's like being in an airplane and I have to choose between crashing with the plane or jumping out. I do not have a parachute." Lady Bird Johnson recorded these words in her diary on 8 July 1965. Three weeks later, her husband committed a further 50,000 troops to fight in Vietnam. It was the first marked escalation of a war that was to cost 58,000 US lives over the next eight years.

The New York Times

START and Beyond

President Obama had hoped to announce a deal with Russia this week to extend the 1991 nuclear arms treaty known as Start and make some modest additional cuts in both sides' arsenals. On Friday, negotiators were still stuck on how to verify the agreement, and American officials are now saying it won't be done at least until January.

Iraq, the Kurds and the Americans

Four months ago, with little fanfare, the State Department sent a full-time senior diplomat, Alan Misenheimer, to live in Iraq's disputed oil-rich city Kirkuk. For the Obama administration, which had been hoping to back out of its day-to-day involvement in Iraq's fractious politics, it was a smart, if belated, call.

An Officer and a Creative Man

Aa President Obama and his advisers planned their new approach to the Afghan war, the quality of Afghanistan's security forces received unprecedented scrutiny, and rightly so. Far less attention, however, has been paid to the quality of American troops there. Of course, American forces don't demand bribes from civilians at gunpoint or go absent for days, as Afghans have often done. But they face serious issues of their own, demanding prompt action.

Washington Post

In Iraq, an opening for successful diplomacy

Remember Iraq? For months our attention has been focused on Afghanistan, and you can be sure that the surge will be covered exhaustively as it unfolds in 2010. But next year could be even more pivotal in Iraq.The country will hold elections in March to determine its political future. Months of parliamentary horse-trading are likely to ensue, which could provoke a return to violence.

How partnering with the U.S. could strengthen Pakistan's sovereignty

he United States and Pakistan, always prone to bickering, need a big idea to unite and sustain them through the testing battle in Afghanistan. So here's a strategic concept I've been trying out with officials in both countries: By partnering with America, Pakistan can gain sovereignty over all its tribal territory for the first time in its history -- and thereby finally complete the task of building its own nation.

The Guardian

Gaza must be rebuilt now

It is generally recognised that the Middle East peace process is in the doldrums, almost moribund. Israeli settlement expansion within Palestine continues, and PLO leaders refuse to join in renewed peace talks without a settlement freeze, knowing that no Arab or Islamic nation will accept any comprehensive agreement while Israel retains control of East Jerusalem.

Defence: the cost of Afghanistan

The statement in parliament by Bob Ainsworth, secretary of state for defence, focuses on enhancements to military capability in Afghanistan and the penalties elsewhere in defence: 22 new Chinooks there, one less RAF base here. While no money is to be cut from the 2010-11 defence budget, it is not being increased as necessary to maintain levels of capability. Most important, the £900m of enhancements for Afghanistan are to be funded from the defence budget, and not from the central reserve – a major change, with serious implications for the longer term.

The Times

Britain needs the Bomb? That was the last war

Trident survives. The most severe defence spending review in history — searching for savings of almost £40 billion — ignored the £20 billion that is to be spent on a nuclear weapon that will be redundant before it comes into service. The generals, as has so often been the case, are planning to fight the last war. And the politicians, who must have noticed that the world has changed during the past ten years, endorse the military judgment for reasons that have nothing to do with national security.


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